AL-KO is to open a new customer and training center in the United Kingdom
AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group plans to open a customer and training center in the United Kingdom in March 2025. The company is thus expanding its European network of customer centers to a total of nine sites.
With the new 2-person sleeping bench “S2” for vans and multi-purpose vehicles, the company offers B2B customers a new seating or sleeping system that is available with either two single backrests or one double backrest.
On 1st September 2020, Markus Siegner (51) has been appointed as new Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group. In his new role, he takes over the global leadership of all operative businesses of the company, which stands for high-quality chassis and chassis components for trailers, leisure and commercial vehicles.
SAWIKO festeggia il venticinquesimo anno di attività. Dalla fondazione, l'azienda è diventata uno dei principali fornitori europei di accessori premium per veicoli ricreazionali, come estensioni del telaio, ganci di traino o portapacchi. L'azienda è inoltre una colonna portante dell'industria del caravanning, amata dai costruttori di veicoli ricreazionali, dai rivenditori e dai clienti finali. Tutte ragioni sufficienti per ripercorrerne la storia e per fare un primo bilancio.
The technology group AL-KO Vehicle Technology is opening a customer centre in Nieuw-Vennep in the Netherlands at the beginning of June 2020. The company is thus expanding its European network of customer centres to a total of six sites.
Which impact does the COVID-19 Pandemic have on the travel behavior of owner of recreation vehicles? The German Caravanning Institute and the AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group pursued this question and polled 500 owners of recreation vehicles in an online survey. The aim of the survey was to obtain a picture of the current mood.
In times of housing shortages and rocketing rents in urban areas, alternative living concepts are becoming increasingly popular among the public. One such trend is Tiny Houses.
DexKo Global Inc. (“DexKo”), a global leader in highly engineered trailer running gear, chassis assemblies and related components, has completed the acquisition of Aguti Produktentwicklung & Design GmbH (“Aguti” or the “Company”), based in Langenargen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany).