Welcome to the media area

Thank you for your interest in our company. In our newsroom we provide you with a wide range of information about AL-KO Vehicle Technology. Here you will find current press releases, company information as well as company pictures in our download area. We have provided you with moving images on our YouTube channel. You can find more information about our management and our company here. Click here if you would like to be added to our media distribution list. Right of use: When using our photos or films, please state "AL-KO Vehicle Technology" as the source of the image and use the images for editorial purposes only. We would be pleased to receive a voucher copy or a voucher link. Do you have any further questions about the company? We will be happy to answer them. Press contact: Eva Doppler



AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group
Ichenhauser Straße 14
D-89359 Kötz